Below is a press release, sent by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today, regarding pre- and post-race traffic patterns for the 400 at Pocono Raceway on Sunday, August 3.
The Pennsylvania State Police will put special traffic patterns into effect to help motorists attending the 400 NASCAR race on Sunday, August 3rd, 2014, at the Pocono Raceway in Long Pond, Monroe County.
On Sunday, August 3rd, the following traffic patterns will be in effect:
- Prior to the race, Route 115 from Interstate 80 to the raceway will be converted to two lanes and will be one way southbound. This conversion will be put into effect at approximately 8 a.m. and continue until all traffic has entered the track grounds.
- Following the race, Route 115 from the raceway to Interstate 80 will be converted to two lanes and will be one way northbound, until the raceway parking lots are cleared. This conversion will take place with 25 laps remaining in the race.
- Stoney Hollow Road has been designated a no parking and tow away zone from Long Pond Road to the Interstate 80 overpass. It will be properly posted and enforced. Any vehicle in violation will be removed at the owner’s expense.
- Following the race, the Interstate 80 eastbound off-ramp at the Blakeslee exit (Exit 284) will be closed to traffic.
Traffic coming south to the race in the two lanes of Route 115 will be required to enter specific parking areas. Motorists should take note of signs posted along Route 115 and travel in the appropriate traffic lanes for their desired parking area.
Likewise, outbound traffic traveling north will face similar signs with lane restrictions for Interstate 80 and Route 115 access.
The August 1st weekend will bring with it large amounts of race fans to the Poconos. Motorists should expect higher traffic volume and possible delays not only on Route 115 and Interstate 80, but also on State Routes 209, 940 and 903. Those who normally utilize Route 115 to travel through the area should consider using Interstate 80, Route 33, Route 209, and the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike as alternate routes.
we went to the gobowling 400 in 2013 we left 19 laps to go we went out
long pond road does everybody go out one way
We have been going to both races at Pocono for years now. Three of us will be there on Sunday. Getting out of the traffic after the race is always, always, always, a nightmare. But this time, going in was the same. Your parking attendants gave us conflicting directions, and one of them threatened to have me “towed” if I didn’t move after I had gone to the spot where I was directed by one of the other attendants. I didn’t move and I wasn’t towed. I heard him screaming the same threat to others.
Pocono keeps getting better. How ’bout you throw up some lights for next year’s August race? God know you have enough surplus electricity with that awesome solar farm. Pocono night race baby!
Mike, During the night we don’t have the sunlight to produce that amount of energy!
To get to the race track on Sunday morning I take rt. 940 to sleepy hollow rd. to long pond rd. to Andretti rd. to park. In past years I was able to retrace my route to leave the track, however this year I was prevented from making the right turn onto long pond rd. so I could go to sleepy hollow rd. to get back to 940. This didn’t make sense to me because there was never any backups or congestion on long pond rd.. Are you going to continue with this new pattern or will you reopen long pond rd. to vehicles wishing to go that way?
Donald- All traffic patterns are handled by local and state police. Those traffic patterns are in place for this year and are subject to change without notice.
I have a question In regard to the Exiting traffic pattern.
In reading the above, does this mean that post-race there will be NO access to Rt. 155 (southbound) toward Effort and Broadheadville like in the past?? The past 2 years we have had to exit this way, going down 115 toward Effort/Broadheasville, come to an Intersection with signage for Rt’s 80 and 380, took us out to 380 and another road that goes into Tannersville.
** Could there also be a better system on traffic flow out of the lots itself?? Like Alternating rows/Aisles or something and using Radio communications with the Parking personnel to guide timing of traffic. It shouldn’t be taking 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get out of the main parking area itself.
Virigina – There will be access to Route 115 South as there has been in years past. The State and Local police handle all traffic patters pre and post race. We continue to work to improve traffic patterns and the workflows associated with it. We work with State and Local police and provide feedback, such as yours, to help resolve certain areas. The time it has taken to leave our lots has seen large decreases over the last three years, especially this past June with the new patters established. The time was double in years past and we will continue to work to ensure the time it takes to exit parking lots continues to decrease. Thanks for your feed back.
Will Route 115 south of the racetrack be open to northbound traffic prior to the race?
Nick-Prior to the race, Route 115 from Interstate 80 to the raceway will be converted to two lanes and will be one way southbound. This conversion will be put into effect at approximately 8 a.m. and continue until all traffic has entered the track grounds.
We have been having some problems this year. At the last race they refused to let us park in the infield because we had grandstand seats.
we’ve always parked in the infield because we tailgate before going to our grandstand seats. When did this change?
Sue- This policy Changed last year. In order park in the infield on Sunday you must be a camping guest, having $100 Club or victory circle club tickets, or purchase a one-day infield ticket. However, you are permitted to tailgate in the grandstand parking lots.
I just want to confirm that I am understanding the traffic pattern for leaving the raceway.
Opposite to years prior, the traffic leaving the track will now be going toward I-80? If I remember correctly, it used to be going the opposite way one-way.
If I come out Huffman Drive, will I be able/permitted to take the right and head back towards Woody’s Country House?
At the June race, Sleepy Hollow Road backed up and was so slow, that we crawled for two hours (from 10am to Noon) just to turn the corner at Long Pond and then crawl up to the entrance to the parking. I live 5 minutes from the track, but after leaving at 10am, I just barely made the start of the race at 1pm (3 hours to go what usually takes 5-10 minutes). The problem seemed to be poor control by the attendants at the entrance to the parking lot. Will this be fixed for this race?
Steve- We suggest following the traffic patterns and suggestion made by State and Local police that can be found above, as they are in charge of all of the traffic patterns.
Is this traffic pattern different from previous years?
Leaving the race from Huffman Dr, we used to be required to take a left, am I understanding correctly that we are now allowed to take a right out of Huffman Drive onto 115 once the race is over (and go in the direction of Woodys, Murphys, Farm Market, etc…) ?
A response would greatly be appreciated.
Kelgro- There is no guarantee regarding which way you will be able to turn, this is up to the State Police at that time.
Will I be able to make a right onto longpond road from the grandstands? I have a cabin right off Stoney hollow and they wouldn’t allow me to go that way last race so it took me two hours to get back imstead of the usual 20 minutes during previous years
Dale- Based on the traffic patterns the State Police have put in place,i might be possible.It all depends on traffic the day of the event, we cannot guarantee anything.
I am coming to the track from rt 115 north from effort I need to get to the nascar trailer by the office do I take kuckunbaaker road to long pond or stay on 115 also we have garage passes do we park in the infield
We are not from here and it’s our first race here. We have directions that take us from exit 190 on 81 to take 187 to Mt. Pocono. We are to take exit 3 off of 380. Can we still go this way? I am not very familiar with this area at all.
Thanks for any helpful suggestions.
Lorri- We suggest taking 81 to RT 80, and get off at the Blakeslee exit
This is the most redicoulas thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We camp at your camp ground right off long pond and we are not able to make a right to get back. How is closing this direction helpful to anyone. The year that we didn’t walk because it was stated not to. This is another reason why a bus would help those campers. Really really annoyed right now.
does everybody go out 115 north
What was the winning 50/50 number for August 1st race ?
Yes, please visit
How due I find out June’s raffle
The numbers were listed on our website and the winner did claim the prize. Visit for more info.